Product Marketing

Product Marketing

Product Marketing is the planning of products to selling to the customers. It is the middle step to Product Planning and Brand Awareness. An important step of business operation as the product needed to be pitched to customers, to make the product a success. Product Marketing has four factors such as product type, customer needs, customer type, and targeted area. The Product Marketing Managers conduct interviews, surveys and customer observation to understand the dynamics of the market. Also, they analyze internal and external data and set an optimum price of the product. Product marketers develop content for sales and have skills in competitor analysis, market research and product positioning.

Digital marketing

Digital Marketing is about achieving customer’s trust by communicating with them through digital media and devices. In the past, people have been locked in factors of distance and time, have now interacted via digital media and devices. Systems that are internet-driven can create and transmit product details from company to customer rapidly. Customers understanding product details from the internet by reading blogs and seeing dynamic advertisements in search engines is Display Advertising. Updating the knowledge of a product to an existing customer can be done by Email Marketing. The visibility of your product on the search engine can be boosted by using SEO (search engine optimization) techniques. If the target audience of the product is flocking in social media channels, they can be converted from users to customers by Social Media Marketing


It is the study of fingerprints of a person that is linked to brain performance. DMIT analysis gives an idea of the personality of a person and the hidden potential of a person’s brain. Clinical experiments show that human intelligence can be measured and assessed, by a DMIT test. Earlier intelligence was measured only by IQ tests. Taking a DMIT test will groom kids at an earlier age to take carriers based on their type of brains. Some brains are visual, logical, musical or managerial. By knowing the brain type, it prepares kids to be the best mathematicians and artists. DMIT tests is done by trained professionals to get perfect values to guide a person.

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